Obihiro Centennial City Museum


[Garments/Kimono (Clothes made from bark)]


Clothes made from bark. These were commonly made from lobed elm bast-fiber. The bast fiber of the lobed elm, peeled in the early spring, is soaked in swamps, rivers, and hot springs. After the softened fibers are parted into thin strips and dried, they are separated and made into thread. The thread is woven into cloth using a loom and sewn together to make a kimono. The garment is finished after it is decorated with cotton cloth and embroidery.

isitaykini [Loom]
attus Cloth
attus [Garments/Kimono (Clothes made from bark)]

Ainu Language in Use

The Ainu Language

ケネカㇷ゚ ニヌㇺ ニ カプフ ア スイェ ワ エクロㇰ エネ フーレㇷ゚ ア ウㇰ したべ、ポロンノ ア ウㇰ クス オレン アソピゥ ア オ コㇿ エクロㇰペ アナㇰ エクロㇰ、フーレㇷ゚ アナㇰ フーレ。

kenekap ninum ni kapuhu a suye wa ekurok ene hurep a uk sitabe, poronno a uk kusu or en asopiw a o kor ekurokpe anak ekurok, hurep anak hure.


We boil bark from Japanese alder and walnut to extract black and red dyes . Since we made so much, we put lobed elm into the water, which makes the black become black, and the red become red.